Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! I love the new review of New Vampire Online, an untraditional tale of entrepreunerial vampires

new vampire online cover

Cover for the nontraditional vampire tale, New Vampire Online

Reviews–I love them!  I want them.  And I just got one for my new novel, New Vampire Online that really made my day.  Here are a couple of excerpts:

“Annie Carroll’s ‘New Vampire Online’ is fresh, immediately addictive, unique and such a delight to read—it starkly contrasts most of the vampire-based fare that crawls out of the Kindle woodwork.”

And the reviewer finishes with this:

“Let me suffice it to say that if you like vampire novels that actually offer a fun reading experience without getting too bleak—something that succeeds in being a page turner without taking itself too seriously, then get lost in an afternoon (or a whole day) reading ‘New Vampire Online.’ Fans of the genre will not be disappointed.”

New Vampire Online, and its predecessor, New Vampire in Town, have been challenging to promote because both books are unlike the currently conventional vampire stuff.  For example, my vampires don’t spends their days in stinky old coffins.  Why do that when an electronically secured basement bedroom with a king-size bed and 500 count sheets are available!  They deal with real life experiences in today’s world:  replacing worn-out RV tires, old boyfriends who stir up trouble, reputations in the world on online vampires, appearances on daytime talk shows–to name just a few.

New Vampire in Town, a novella, is available for a mere pittance on Kindle: .99!!  (And if you read it or New Vampire Online, please leave a review!)

And, finally, New Vampire Online is available on iTunes and on Nook.

Free sexy romance novel on Feb. 5th and 6th on Kindle. It’s entitled ‘Playing for Julia’

Playing for Julia ebook cover

February 5th and 6th, Playing for Julia is FREE on Kindle.

On Wednesday and Thursday, February 5th and 6th, my x-rated romance novel, Playing for Julia, is FREE on Kindle.   It is a very sexy romance novel.  Like thousands of other women I read 50 Shades and said to myself–I can write better than that!  So I sat down one Sunday morning and began to write.  But my goal was not to write  one of those knock-offs of 50 Shades.  No abusive boyfriend for my heroine, Julia, although he tells her right up front what he has in mind.

I tried to be true to the period and place when I wrote it.  The time is 1969 and the place is San Francisco.   I was living there then, but was a working divorced mother with two small children and had no time to hang out with rock stars.  But many other aspects of the book are absolutely true:  the difficulty in finding work, the attitudes toward hippies and the anti-war movement, the influence of rock music, among other things.  The little house Julia and Ali rent actually existed.  A friend of mine lived in it and it was a weirdly funny cottage.  The politics and upheaval that go on at the start-up weekly newspaper are variations on a true event that happened in 1974–but could have happened in 1969.

By the time I finished the novel, I had to tip my hat to Erica James who wrote 50 Shades of Grey.  Writing explicit sex is very difficult–at least it was for me.  And how she wrote so enthusiastically about sex, sex and more sex for over 1000 pages I’ll never know!

Playing for Julia‘ inspired me in another way.  I had always wanted to write a vampire novel.

And  since then I have done that.  In fact, I’ve written one novella, New Vampire in Town, and one novel, New Vampire Online.

new vampire in town cover

New Vampire in Town, a novel of contemporary vampires. Sometimes funny! Not much blood and gore.

And I love the characters in the vampire books.  Because they are vampires they can do outrageous and strangely funny things, even though they live in today’s Las Vegas and Los Angeles.   Check them out on Kindle; maybe you will like them, too.

Oh, New Vampire in Town is also on Nook and iTunes.

AND…to see photos of the world of Cate, Conrad and Jack the surfer vampire go to their Pinterest page.

A ta-da! moment: New Vampire in Town has stayed near the top of the Humorous Vampire category

new vampire in town coverIn a previous post I lamented that I had neglected to seek out reviews for New Vampire in Town.  But something must be working.  Maybe it is all the tweets.  Maybe it is all the ads on my many websites.  Whatever it is, New Vampire in Town has been as high as #2 and as low as #4 in the humorous vampire category on Kindle since it was release May 30th.  (I still would like reviews, however!)

In the tweets I’ve begun to compare Cate to that madcap Lucille Ball.  Lucy was smart, but ditsy and that is a good way to describe Cate, too.  Both of them come up with funny, odd solutions to problems.

And as my thank you to all of you who have bought the book here is some more music mentioned in it.  Conrad’s grandmother was Cuban and here is the music he remembers from visiting her in Cuba: La Familia Valera Miranda  Well, at least that is what Conrad tells Cate.  The truth and Conrad are not close friends!